SAS: Batch Macro Variable Assignment by Class and Application in Dynamic Labeling

Set up “Class” table for Proc Tabulation.  “Class” table can force missing value in the table so the layout of the combination of class variables will not change due to 0 counts of the frequency of the variables.

data class;
do rank= 1, 2, 3;
do area = '0', '1';
do gender = 'F', 'M';

Output Proc Tabulate summary to data set using “Class” layout. “Layout” data set contains frequency counts by rank by area and by gender.

proc tabulate  data = data out = layout missing classdata = class;
class rank area gender ;
var count;
table rank*(area="" all), (gender all)*count*(sum="");

Add customary titles by rank by area in the “Layout” data set. Assign counts and titles to macro variables.

data layout;
set layout;
length varname $11 sum $2 title1 $60 title2 $60 vartitle1 $12 vartitle2 $12;
if count_sum = . then count_sum = 0;
sum = put(count_sum, 2.);
drop _TYPE_ _PAGE_ _TABLE_;
if gender = '' then gender = 'N';
if rank = 1 then title1 = "2017 Assistant Professors/Lecturers";
if rank=2 then title1 = "2017 Associate Professors/Lecturers";
if rank =3 then title1 = "2017 Fall Professors/Senior Lecturers";
if area = 0 then title2 = "General Arts"; 
if area = 1 then title2 = "Engineering";
if area = '' then do;
title2 = "All Areas of Specialization";
varname ="rank"||trim(left(rank_cd))||gender;
vartitle1 = "rank"||trim(left(rank_cd))||'t1';
vartitle2 = "rank"||trim(left(rank_cd))||'t2';
else do;
varname = "rank"||trim(left(rank_cd))||"area"||trim(left(area))||gender;
vartitle1 = "rank"||trim(left(rank_cd))||"area"||trim(left(area))||'t1';
vartitle2 = "rank"||trim(left(rank_cd))||"area"||trim(left(area))||'t2';
call symput(varname, sum);
call symput (vartitle1, title1);
call symput (vartitle2, title2);
options symbolgen;

Print the regression line by rank by area with corresponding titles and insert counts information of total observation and by gender on the respective chart. The “Inset” statement will translate the macro variables into format like N=75(46F/29M) and put into a text box inside of the axes of the plot.

ods pdf file="c:\test.pdf";
%macro plots;
%do j = 1 %to 3;
%do i = 0 %to 1;
title1 height=14pt "&&rank&j.area&i.t1";
title2 height=12pt "&&rank&j.area&i.t2";
proc sgplot data=glm_out (where=(rank=&j. and area = "&i.")) ;
scatter x=experience y=salary / group=gender grouporder=ascending  name='plot' markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled) ;
series x=experience y=yhat / name='predict' legendlabel='ln(Predicted Sal)' lineattrs=(color=blue ) transparency = 0.5 ;
inset "N=&&rank&j.area&i.N (&&rank&j.area&i.f.F/&&rank&j.area&i.m.M)"  / position = bottomright  BORDER;
%mend plots;
Ods pdf close;
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